Armin van Buuren – A State of Trance Episode 28 (Top 20 of 2001) Download (27.12.2001) 192kbps


23.00- 00.00

The State of Trance Listeners Top 20 of 2001.
The tracks that brought you in a state of trance in 2001.

Top 20 of the favorite tracks of the listeners to ‘A State of Trance.’
As broadcasted on ID&T Radio on 27th of December 2001.

1. Rising Star- Clear Blue Moon (Armind/ United)
2. Iio- Rapture (Riva Remix) (United)
3. Perpetuous Dreamer- The Sound of Goodbye (Armin’s Tribal Feel) (Armind/United)
4. Iio- Rapture (Armin van Buuren remix) (United)
5. Rank 1- Awakening (ID&T)
6. Accadia- Into the Dawn (James Holden remix) (Lost Language)
7. Marco V.- Simulated (ID&T)
8. Trancesetters- The Saga (Touche)
9. DJ Tiesto- Suburban Train (Blackhole)
10. Lange- Drifting Away (Lange’s Sunset Dub) (V:C)
11. Silverblue- Step Back
12. Salt Tank- The Energy (Dj Remy Remix) (Bedrock remix)
13. King Of Clubs- Revelation (Airwave remix)
14. Solid Sessions- Janeiro (Pronto & Kalmani) (Combined Forces)
15. Sonic Inc.- A Taste of Summer (Bonzai)
16. Avalance- Friendzone (EINhorn)
17. DJ Cyber- Marco Antonio (Cyber Records)
18. Ayumi Hamasaki- Appears (Avb’s Sunset Dub) (Avex)
19. Ocean Lab- Clear Blue Water (Ferry Corsten remix) (Captivating Sounds)
20. Signum- First Strike (JinX)

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Armin van Buuren – A State of Trance Episode 27 Download (20.12.2001) 192kbps


23.00- 00.00

1. Jakatta- Ever So Lonely (Rulin)
2. Memnon feat. Julie Mays- Eclips (musicnow)
3. Huntemann- Phreaks 2.1 (deadly good music)
TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. T-factory- Message in a bottle (Hiver and Hammer remix) (Inferno)
5. Rene Ablaze pres. Troxa- Autumn (collision)
6. Rank1- ?? (ID&T)
7. Lost Witness- Did I Dream? (Tiesto Vocal remix) (Data/ Acetate)
8. Moon project- Moments are forever (Bonzai UK)
9. Rising Star- Clear Blue Moon (Armind/ United)

00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix

1. J.C.- Redsky (Acedemy records)
2. Minimalistix- A Forest (remix) (whitelabel)
3. Shibuya- Naked & Beautiful (Divide & Rule Dub) (Conception)
4. Ascension- For A lifetime (Xtravaganza)
5. Novacane feat. No-One Driving- Playa Sol (Jon the denist Push Harder remix) (Direction/ Sony)
6. The Ambush feat. Phools Inc.- Asymmetric (Phoolz Inc mix) (Superstition)
7. Marco V.- Certainly (Darren Christian) (Duty Free)
8. Mystery- ?? (Liquid)
9. Green Smoke- Smoke Green
10. Evoke- Arms of Loren (Ferry Corsten dub)
11. Taiko- Silence (the joker remix) (Alphabet city)

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Armin van Buuren – A State of Trance Episode 26 Download (13.12.2001) 192kbps


23.00- 00.00

1. BT- Shame (Way Out West remix) (Embrace the Future)
2. Matthias Schafthauser feat. Rob Tyler- Hey Little Girl (Pascal F.E.O.S. remix)
3. DJV feat. K-mart- You think you’re Jesus (weekend world remix) (Skyline records)
TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Marco V.- Godd (ID&T)
5. Rank1- ?? (ID&T)
6. Riva- ??(CDR/United)
7. Plastic Angel- Trancespotting (Wash)
8. Lange feat. Skye- Drifting Away (V:C)
9. Roger Goode- In the Beginning (Ferry Corsten remix) (Tsunami)

00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix

1. Aurei- Eternal Life (deep vision records)
2. Medway vs. Pete Gawtry- Geno Sequence (Tony Thomas remix) (Decipher)
3. Polekat- Muge (USR/ Renaissance)
4. Konkrete- Law Unto Myself (Dub) (Perfecto)
5. Whitelabel- Unknown (Tic Toc Tunes)
6. Liam Kennedy- Transparant Signals (Fred Numf vs. Five point O remix) (Perpetual Tunes)
7. Earthbound- Song 5 (Eve)
9. Jamie Anderson- Can’t stop (G Force Rework) (Artform)
10. Precision & The Freak- The Progress (BPM Dance)
11. Fabbx Spinner- Hypno House (Glove Records)

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Armin van Buuren – A State of Trance Episode 25 Download (06.12.2001) 192kbps


23.00- 00.00

1. Lange feat. Skye- Drifting Away (World Clique Remix) (V:C promo)

2. Neurotic Jock- Therapy (Vicious Vinyl)

3. Yahel- For the People (Transient Classic)

TUNE OF THE WEEK: 4. Rank1- ?? (ID&T promo)

5. Funk Einsatz- Punk (Tsunami promo)

6. Precision & The Freak- The Progress (BPM Dance Promo)

7. Golden Girls- Kinetic (Vincent de Moor remix) (Combined Forces)

8. Delerium feat. Rani- Underwater (Rank1 remix) (Yris)

9. Sharpside- Spacecruising (Rotation)

10. Speedy J.- Kreck (Nova Mute)

00.00- 01.00-> Armin van Buuren Non-stop in the mix

1. Digby & Oliver- Human (zero tolerance)

2. Arcane- Somewhere (Dave Swayze remix) (Yeti/ News)

3. DJ Fire- Ulan Bator (Bonzai)

4. JB- Unknown Origin (Fluid)

5. Vehemence- Coming (Combined Forces)

6. Pablo Gargano- Absolution (Eve)

7. Junk Project- Composure (Solar Stone remix) (Liquid Assett)

8. Loki- NyCu (Easy Access)

9. Ransom- My Dance (Ferry Corsten remix) (Tsunami)

10. Pale-X- Eightball

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